Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Enhance Your Content Management System with a CMS Analysis

Content Management Systems (CMS) are an excellent way to get your custom content on the web fast and hassle-free. They allow a streamlined approach to building your business, saving you money and freeing you from the hassle of keeping a programmer on staff. They aren’t perfect, though. Their one-size-fits-all approach to web publishing can lead to slowdowns and lost revenue if they aren’t optimized for your individual needs.

There’s a reason that most CMS solutions offer a wide array of customization options. A trained consultant can sit down with your website and CMS, go over your needs in depth, and make recommendations that can get you more business, faster website load times, and help to customize the experience in a way that better suits your requirements.

 Most systems simply don’t generate code that’s optimized for your needs. The reason being is that CMS manufacturers have to serve a large variety of different clients, meaning that any code they write has to work on as many platforms, and with as many different companies, as possible. Your CMS system could be generating code that, with only a few simple changes, would improve the experience of your customers and put more money in your pocket. 

CMS setups that aren’t optimized often suffer from a few common problems. The most common issue is outdated templates. Often a business will keep using a template that works for them out of habit, but if your templates aren’t updated regularly then your company could be missing out on ongoing advancements that search engines rely on for placement. Metatag generation in particular is a common area that can be improved. Bringing in a CMS analyst could potentially boost your search engine placement and help to funnel potential customers to your site.

Another way optimization helps is with page size and response time. CMS templates often have a lot of unnecessary code. In the long run, serving every customer unnecessary data can slow down page response time which often leads to increased bail-out rates. CMS performance analysis can help to identify problem areas and strip out redundant or unused code. A speedy, responsive website keeps customers browsing longer and encourages them to come back.

While it’s a less common problem, templates downloaded from the internet could potentially contain security flaws. If your CMS is tightly integrated into a database, as most are, security needs to be in the front of your mind. It’s a good idea to have any template that interacts with a backend database cleared by a professional, because nothing drives customers away faster than having to deal with identity theft. They’re quick to judge just what sites, exactly, could have caused their problems and being able to answer their concerns by telling them that your website has been cleared by a professional is sometimes the only response that they will accept.

Regardless of your individual needs, looking into a CMS performance analyst is a smart business decision for anyone who relies on these software packages to promote their business and generate web content. It’s a more affordable decision than employing a dedicated programmer while still providing the custom tailoring that can benefit any company that relies upon CMS on a regular basis. Contact Website Optimization to get started today.

Website Optimization
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Fax: (734) 661-1331