Optimizing graphics for the web is a
vital part of web development and maintenance, but also something often
overlooked by webmasters. The time your page takes to load is something you
ought to obviously worry about. This is because failure to properly optimize
your website will make it take too long to load. This might eventually affect
its position on the search engines or refuse visitors from visiting your site.
In fact, it doesn’t matter if the layout is nice and beautiful if it doesn’t
function properly. Website graphics can be pretty heavy, so optimizing
graphics is certainly an issue that you should
keep your eye on. There are several image editing and manipulation
applications, tools, and programs that can be used for website optimization.
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
The Importance of Optimizing Your Mobile Website
The internet has arguably been the most revolutionary
platform that has brought people together from all corners of the world. Today,
we can say that the world is truly becoming a global village. The degree of
connectivity is intensifying and people can interact on a real time basis.
Traditionally, the internet has been accessed through PCs and laptops. However,
the landscape is changing and mobile devices such as tablets, mobile phones and
iPads. With this change in access, there lies a huge potential in using these
interfaces to grow your following and sales.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Impact of Mobile Optimization on Google Search Rankings
Google relies on a multitude of factors
to determine search engine results. Typically, these factors are related to on-page
content (such as site URL, the text, headers and titles, etc.) or on metrics
that determine the authenticity of the website in question (quality and number
of inbound links, age of domain). However, in 2010, Google started using one
more factor to compute search results – the speed with which users can view the
content. And with the growth of the number of mobile devices being used to
access the internet, Google also wants its users to experience the full
richness of the web by rewarding websites
with fast, mobile-friendly designs.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
How Conversion Rate Optimization Reduces “Bailout Rate”
The most profitable form of website
optimization is conversion
rate optimization (CRO). CRO is the continuous process
of modifying your website and landing pages to produce more conversions from
the traffic you receive. More leads, opt-ins and sales are examples of the kind
of conversions that CRO produces. In fact, this kind of optimization is the
easiest and fastest way to increase sales without using more funds to increase
website traffic.
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