Saturday, April 25, 2015

Optimize Your Website Speed and Conversion Rate

Within today’s ever-growing and developing digital age, it is not surprising to find a website for almost every consumer need. Whether you're providing a service or selling a product, having a website to reach your consumer base is vital. And when an individual visits your webpage, you will want their user experience to be the best possible and hopefully lead to a conversion. Here's how:

Saturday, April 18, 2015

10 Tips for a Sticky Website

What an amazing feeling is to land on a stellar website that is rich with content that literally jumps out at you. Having a sticky website is definitely any webmaster’s dream, because it means the website is more attractive and more appealing to the user. Some of the benefits of having a sticky website are: creation of one-to-one personalized relationships, increased performance through feedback, more social sharing, more time spent on the website and more conversions.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Google's Upcoming Mobile-Friendly

Google's Blog announced a new update to its search algorithm. According to some leading experts on the subject, this will bring an even greater impact than 'Panda' and the 'Penguin' combined. The earlier updates interfered abruptly at the search engine's ranking factor and this one seems to be, as it is called, a "mobilegeddon" waiting to happen. According to Google the update has news that will bring more mobile sites in search results and more application content in first place.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

How to Use Lightweight WordPress Themes to Increase Speed

Over the years, WordPress has proven itself to be quite popular as a CMS platform. WordPress themes, built specifically for this platform, became noteworthy simply because of their elegant style and coding. This elegance has become more of a lost art these days, considering the fact that a lot of WordPress themes now hanker for popularity and add extra unnecessary features which do not help in website speed optimization. This is fatal for all users who are not any wiser in this matter, as they go for the most feature-heavy themes thinking that this will optimize their user experience.

Users, be they professionals or avid bloggers, should definitely go for lightweight WordPress themes which are clean and of minimal file size so that they can load faster on all servers, and being responsive, respond to different screens by realigning their own layout quickly as well. With these lightweight themes, you will not find any outdated coding or unnecessary widgets and features.

If you are still wondering why you should choose faster websites, remember that online visibility is one of the mantras to achieve success in online business. With a WordPress theme that supports website optimization, you get
  • high visibility in search engines
  • high conversion rates
  • high generation of online revenue. 
  • optimization of user experience. 

Today when everybody is hustling about for work, no one has time to wait for hours for pages to load. You should choose a lightweight WordPress theme to make sure that your content loads at an optimum speed, much to the satisfaction of your target audience.

So what makes any WordPress Theme lightweight?

There are several factors which play a significant role here. Three of them have been listed below:

Fewer heavy features: Any WordPress theme that proudly presents high number of sliders, more than 20 plug-ins, and too many Javascript animations should be avoided like the plague. When a website loads, there are HTTP requests sent to all the separate Javascript files. If you have too many files running on your website, the amount of time taken for the pages to load is really high.

Fewer large files on the site: While it is sometimes necessary to go for large file formats like full-width background images, there should be a limit maintained somewhere. Before going for a WordPress theme, always check if there are too many background videos, for example, that may hinder website speed optimization.

Better coding: Always check the theme's coding history to be sure that the codes that have been used are not backdated. A lot of crappy codes will harm your website by slowing it down. A WordPress theme should use codes that are simple and brief.

Learn more about how to optimize website speed: Contact Website Optimization for expert assistance.

Website Optimization
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