Saturday, April 18, 2015

10 Tips for a Sticky Website

What an amazing feeling is to land on a stellar website that is rich with content that literally jumps out at you. Having a sticky website is definitely any webmaster’s dream, because it means the website is more attractive and more appealing to the user. Some of the benefits of having a sticky website are: creation of one-to-one personalized relationships, increased performance through feedback, more social sharing, more time spent on the website and more conversions.

1. Use a Simple Interface
First of all, try to make your users’ life easier by creating a stable and easy to navigate interface that enables them to browse through the pages of your site with ease. Use simple links such as next page, previous page, home page, bottom of the page and top of the page to create a sticky website.

2. Make it Appealing
An attractive website is synonymous to an increased customer satisfaction and more time spent on your site. You have less than 5 seconds to grab your users’ attention.

3. Keep Content Fresh
If you have a website in an area of interest that is continually evolving, it is imperative to come up with fresh content regularly. Provide updates on trends and changes in your industry in order to offer valuable information to savvy users.

4. Provide Prominent Invitations to Subscribe
One of the best ways to make your website sticky is to have a strong call to action in the beginning. Add a button in the upper right corner where your site visitors can subscribe to your RSS feed or to your newsletter.

5. Promote On-Site Branding
In order to capitalize on website optimization and get your website to the next level, make sure to work hard in order to build a brand around your website or blog. Branding goes hand in hand with website stickiness.

6. Get Interactive
Interactivity is tantamount to a sticky website. Interactive websites and blogs are considered some of the “stickiest” available today. For an increased interactivity, you can include polls, comments, memos, projects or competitions. Also include giveaways and special offers from time to time to keep your customers interested.

7. Create Fast Loading Pages
Eliminate unnecessary graphics in order to increase loading speed. Website speed optimization is slowly becoming one of the most important aspects of a successful site, so do not neglect this part.

8. Solve Problems and Answer Questions
If you focus on helping your customers and solving their problems, you are using the right ingredient to create a sticky website.

9. Take Advantage of Social Networks
Embed social media buttons in order to enable your website visitors to easily connect with you and share your content on their favorite platforms.

10. Add a Forum
A forum or a community page can skyrocket your website stickiness. Even though a forum won’t attract all types of Internet users, it will definitely make your site a lot stickier.

Need help? Contact Website Optimization to create the best. website. ever.

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