Saturday, June 14, 2014

Don't Settle at the Bottom – Get Those Rankings Higher

Search engine optimization is much more than doing a few technical changes on your website to get a higher ranking. It requires time and dedication to start seeing the results that will help make your site a success. It doesn't just happen overnight, so patience is a very helpful trait to have when dealing with a full optimization campaign. Either way, it is important to know as many useful techniques as possible so that we can implement in our strategies and master them as fast as possible. So, let's go ahead and take a look at 5 ways to help improve your rankings within search engines.

Content Creation
One of the best ways to get noticed by search engines and also have a increased spike in traffic is to post quality content as much as possible. This doesn't mean just start a blog and post something every 30 days. You should try and have new content posted every couple days to keep your visitors coming back for more.

This doesn't mean go and post bad quality articles just so you have some content, you need to make sure that the content is top quality. Whether it is a video, blog post, podcast, or anything else, you want to make sure it is better than your average competition. Visitors know that they have an endless amount of content they can read through the internet, so make sure your content is as attractive and appealing as possible.

External Links
Link building is another cornerstone to having a good ranking. When high authority sites are linking to your site, it shows the search engines that your site is worth something if they are willing to promote your site. With enough of these high quality links, you can see some very dramatic results. With that being said, you want to also make sure that you try and keep your link away from sites that have low authority because once search engines see that your site is more associated with low quality sites, they will assume that your site is also low quality.

Overall Website Design
A website design is much more than just a beautiful look, it also requires the designer to think about the visitor experience, website speed optimization, SEO techniques, and overall accessibility. A websites rankings could have a lot to do with the design, for example, if the designer decided to put large image files on each page, then that will drastically increase the load times, which search engines don't like at all.

Social Media
A lot of people don't realize the full potential that can come with a properly run social media campaign. Social media websites are basically a highly populated area that businesses or website owners can go to and find the exact target demographic they are looking for and then communicate with them. Once you have figured out a way keep your following entertain, by using things such as images, videos, or articles, people will start to catch on and you will continue to grow your fan base. Along with the fan base, you will also start to see more and more conversions. Once your profile and site are getting enough attention, search engines have no choice but to rank you as an authority within your niche.

Overall Traffic Increases Rankings
The last thing we all need to remember is that traffic means everything. Why do we want to get ranked higher? So more people will see us and we can see more traffic. Well, once you get the ball rolling and that traffic starts to add up, that in itself will drastically help with website rankings. The more attention your website or content gets, the higher it will be ranked. So don't just focus on SEO techniques, remember that just making your visitors happy and getting them to return will help in the long run too.

Contact Website Optimization to learn more about search engine rankings and how you can get to the top of Google.

Website Optimization
Phone: (877) 748-3678
Fax: (734) 661-1331

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