Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Search Phrases and Increased Site Visibility

Site visibility is an important component of online marketing, for web-based businesses as well as traditional, brick-and-mortar operations that want to expand their customer base. One of the main reasons why websites have to optimize with enhanced navigability, useful content, and eye-catching graphics is so that more users are directed to the site through user interaction. The site will gain favorable rankings by search engines and increase its site exposure, which could bring in more customers and increase sales and profits.

How the Right Use of Search Phrases Can Boost Your Page Visibility and Rankings
An important component of good website optimization is the practical and creative application of the right keywords and search phrases. Search engines are designed to conduct searches based on single words or a group of words, the latter offering a more specific result and better chances of giving the searcher the pages that he was looking for.

Search phrases are the group of words that are typically used to search for a particular topic or website. They differ from solo keywords in that phrases are two or more words that refer to a single topic or idea. Search phrases are often more precise and allow users to streamline search results better so that they can get results for a particular geographic location, type of company, type of product, and the like. Solo keywords, on the other hand, tend to give broader results, which can be both cumbersome and useful, depending on the user. This is why experts recommend populating your website with more search phrases than solo keywords because phrases tend to be used by users who are specifically looking for your service using other keywords such as geographic location and price range.

Think Like Your Customer: How to Pick the Right Search Phrases
One way to increase the visibility of your site is to increase the number of related search phrases that are found inside the site contents. The easiest way to do this is to think like the person who is searching for your site. For example, if you have a cleaning website in Fort Lauderdale, someone looking for you services would likely type in:

'cleaning companies Fort Lauderdale'
'Fort Lauderdale cleaning companies'
'cleaning professionals in Fort Lauderdale' or
'affordable cleaning services in Fort Lauderdale'

These are related search phrases that will give the searcher very specific results, as opposed to a search for just 'Florida cleaning companies' or simply 'cleaning companies.' Thinking like your potential customer is the best way to know what kind of phrases you need to use because your customers are human users, just like you, and will use similar searching patterns.

Aside from the natural generation of organic keywords, you can also utilize search phrase generators to gather a list of related phrases that refer your site, product, or service. Automated phrase generation is a quick and easy way to determine what kind of phrases you should be using in your website content, but you can always tweak the keywords so that the end result is content that makes sense even after you inserted your search phrases.

Not sure how to identify targeted keyword phrases? Contact the experts at Website Optimization for help?

Website Optimization
Phone: (877) 748-3678
Fax: (734) 661-1331

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