Monday, May 5, 2014

Is Social Media the SEO/CRO Steroid We’ve All Been Waiting For?

Social media has revolutionized the World Wide Web and today, everything else from search engine optimization, conversion rate optimization to website optimization seems to be revolving around it. Being such an integral part of your online visibility and exposure, it makes sense that you should start leveraging on this powerful tool to drive high quality traffic to your site. 

How Social Media Can Improve Your SEO
Unlike in the past when having a website with high quality content was enough; today’s Internet world requires you to be extra social. If you want better SEO for your business, you want to create content that your readers will love to share with their friends. Getting your audience to share your content on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and other popular platforms helps you to connect with a wider community. This way, you are able to spread your message to a wider audience using minimal effort. 

Current Google search algorithms place a great degree of importance on social media. Today, the more your articles are liked, shared, tweeted or +1d, the better your SEO. Search engine optimization operates with the “notion” that, if people are willing to share or tweet your content, then definitely it is of high quality. Given that Google loves quality (or Yahoo or Bing), then it goes without saying that your popularity on social media can go a long way in improving your SEO. 

Tips for Social SEO
*Optimize your social media profiles by filling out the “About” and “Location” information bits 
*Share content from your website on social media to give it an SEO boost
*Leverage the power of images in marketing by using Pinterest
*Don’t forget to share your content on Google+ (No one loves Google plus more than Google)

How Social Media Can Improve Your CRO
It is not enough to invest in website optimization. What is even more important is to get them to take an action (or actions) that will benefit you in one way or another. It could be getting them to sign up for regular newsletters, download your app or make a purchase. Whatever it is you want your audience to do, always keep in mind that social media is there to make your work easier. 

Social media is big business nowadays and it is important you harness its power to improve how your business profits online. Keep in mind that not every social media audience will work for your business. For this reason, you need to let the experts help you create a long-lasting social media strategy that will rev up your conversion rate optimization. Some social media CRO tips to always keep in mind include the following:

*Work hard to gain the trust of your social media audience, this way you’ll be able to decrease your bounce back rate
*Give your users a reason to stick around your website, by doing this you’ll increase the average time spent on your site
*Don’t forget to leverage on the power of a strong call to action, you may use buttons or plain text for this

Social media is the future of online marketing. If you want to succeed today and in the future, it is important you start working on establishing a strong social media strategy today. You’ll surely start reaping the fruits of your labor sooner rather than later. Contact Website Optimization to learn more.

Website Optimization
Phone: (877) 748-3678
Fax: (734) 661-1331

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