Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Latest Trends Evolving In The World Of Website Graphics

Web design has changed a great deal in the last decade. So when performing website optimization and choosing graphics for a website, it makes sense to tune in to current practices and trends. Take a look at graphics trends that are dead (are you using any of them?) and which are up-and-coming.

"Dead" Website Graphics Trends

1. Motion GIFs

Motion GIFs were commonly used in buttons, banners, and images, but their use as a web design element is on the decline. You can still see motion GIFs in advertisements, but gone are the days when you type in your name and it comes out in flames.

2. Tiled Background Pictures

This is another trend that has completely fallen out of favor. Remember, those websites where site owner’s picture was used as tiled background? Besides being unappealing to look at, it frustrated the visitor who was actually interested in the foreground content but was too distracted by the background pictures.

3. Flash Introductions

Using flash intros to grab attention was a huge trend a few years ago, but its popularity is declining fast. The basic idea was to give the visitors something cool to watch and to feed their curiosity. Flash intros are quickly being replaced by videos that do the same thing. Most web designers are incorporating video design into the web page, which keeps playing the video, while visitor explores the page.

Up-and-Coming Website Graphics Trends:

1. Vector Graphics

This trend has a technical background and an aesthetic value. In short, regular images are based on pixels, while vector graphics are based on strokes. This may not sound like a major difference, but it affects the loading speed and image quality of the picture. Therefore, experts working on website speed optimization prefer to use vector graphics for background images, headers, and footers. Additionally, vector graphics are visually distinct, which makes them ideal for creating an effect of digital drawing.

2. Monochromatic Visuals

Web designers often use minimal color while designing websites. The monochromatic palettes focus on specific colors instead of a combination of various colors, giving websites a smooth, clean look. Additionally, the visitor’s attention is better channeled to the website’s content hierarchy due to the balanced and relaxed appearance achieved by effective usage of monochromatic visuals.

3. Smart Infographics

Infographics are a great way to tell a story or transfer knowledge by packaging content in an effective and concise way. Infographics are often called the best of both worlds because they combine the strength of text information with visualization. This saves the visitors from going through paragraphs of texts and helps increase their interest and understanding of the content.

Transforming Trends of Website Graphics:

1. Pop-ups

Pop-ups have always annoyed web users because they blocked their work. Current web designers are aware of this problem and use pop-ups, which have easy-to-find visible close buttons, to ask for minimum information (name, email, etc.) to proceed.

2. Sliders

The application of sliders have also changed in recent times. Today's sliders are mostly translucent, and they don’t block the view of the page. Many times, sliders are only visible once the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, which ensures that the user can read the content without any disturbance.

For people who design and develop websites for optimization, there is nothing more interesting than an in-depth discussion on the latest website graphics trends. Website design is driven by digital innovations, but it’s fueled by consumer preferences. And the trends will continue to change.

Let Website Optimization help you stay abreast of the latest trends in website graphics. Contact us today to get started.

Website Optimization
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Fax: (734) 661-1331

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