Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Redesign Your Dental Practice Website to Attract New Patients

Dental website marketing basically involves convincing internet users that they'll have a more beautiful smile if they use your services. "Just a more beautiful smile?" you might ask. Well, yes – if a beautiful smile is understood to be representative of healthy, attractive teeth.

We begin with an example of symbolism because your website should have the same purpose and effect. More specifically, a dentist marketing his services on the internet should ensure that his website portrays him in the best possible light. And if a dentist finds that this isn't the case, as is usually indicated by the small number of new customers being brought in by his website, it's very likely time for a website redesign.

A redesign can bring a dental website many advantages, including the following:

An Updated Look and Feel: We've already established that your website represents your dental practice and, of course, you definitely wouldn't want your website visitors to think that your practice is outdated. A website redesign will allow your website to truly represent the modern, technologically up-to-date dentist that you really are.

Better Site Architecture, Faster Speed, Easy Navigation, and Improved Usability: We've bunched up all of these advantages because they all serve one purpose: to give your website visitors the best experience while using your website. That's important because a poorly constructed website that runs slowly and is difficult to use will easily turn off your potential future patients. And remember, what we'd like to do is keep your website visitors interested and engaged long enough to be convinced to try your service, not drive them away from irritation with how poorly and slowly your website runs.

Easy Website Maintenance: A website redesign will also benefit you, the owner of the website, by making it easier to maintain your site. After a redesign, you'll have much greater ease updating the dental content of your website and collecting the information that you can gather from your website's visitors.

In turn, your redesigned website will greatly benefit your dental practice in the following ways:

1. Dental Website Redesigns Helps Build Your Credibility
First, the mere fact that your website looks up to date already tells people that you're both modern and proactive, qualities that speak volumes about the type of dental services you're offering.

Secondly, the professionally designed content of your website can also convince a visitor that you're an effective dentist. For example, up-to-date and accurate information about the latest research on teeth whitening will send the message that you're keeping track of the latest developments to make sure that your patients are receiving the best dental care possible. Also, a portion of your website for patient testimonials about your service would allow your potential future patients to see just how good a dentist you are.

2. A New Dental Practice Website Will Bring in New Patients
Of course, the end goal is really to use dental marketing to bring you new patients. Fortunately, this is also something redesigning your website can do for you.

Dental website marketing experts can ensure that your dental service appears in related searches as many times as it possibly can. This is very important because when there are many visitors to your amazing new website, you can be sure that new patients will come your way as well.

Website Optimization
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Fax: (734) 661-1331