Wednesday, December 4, 2013

4 Tips for Increasing Dental Website Conversion Rate and Search Engine Rankings

When using a website to promote your dental services, you automatically face two types of challenges: how to have high rankings in search engines, and how to increase conversion rate.

But as many businesses have experienced, SEO is not an easy task and neither are the techniques in boosting a site's conversion rate. There are several reasons for this: The competition has a better-looking website with more quality content; the website is designed by a professional without knowledge in SEO; you don't know how to maximize your images, landing pages, and calls to action. Investing in professional dental website marketing will ensure use of the proper techniques.

How to Increase Dental Website Conversion Rate and Search Engine Rankings
Driving traffic is one thing, working on a website's conversion rate is another. Unfortunately, many businesses seem to work hard only on driving traffic to their site. They forget to apply techniques that can transform their visitors into new dental patients. So how do you raise your website's conversion rate and search engine rankings? Here are some suggestions:

1. Update your dental website.
Are you still using a free theme for your site? If you are, then it's time to hire a web designer who can optimize your website while giving it a killer design. A nice-looking design surely impresses visitors, but if a website has poor coding and lacks the proper meta tags (page title, meta description), it won't sit on top of Google SERPs.

2. Take quality seriously.
It's not enough to publish countless dental articles to support your website. Your content has to be of superior quality and must be optimized. Keyword research is therefore crucial, and so is the proper distribution of keywords in your content.

3. Make those images work for you.
Remember, many people base their decision on how they feel. If you successfully tap into your target market's emotions, they can take action. One way of doing this is to include compelling images, like those that would be found in a dental smile gallery. These images have a human touch, and communicate with the target audience.

4. Hire professional Internet marketing services.
You'll never know what you've missed or what you're doing wrong unless you seek the help of experienced professionals. Providers of Internet marketing services can help you by: creating a unique value proposition; performing a thorough test for your calls to actions; modify your headlines and forms; optimize your landing pages; boost your search engine rankings.

Every successful business understands that simply having a website doesn't guarantee visitors and sales. Unless you are a famed dentist or have a high-profile partner, you need to apply SEO techniques to get your site on top of search engine results. Successfully achieving this widens your clientele, raises your conversion rate, and grows your business.

Sadly, gaining high rankings in search engines and increasing conversion rate are not as simple as you think. They need careful analysis, a strong plan of action, and a dedicated team to implement this plan. Rarely does a company succeed in doing all these alone. If you want to achieve the desired results, hiring professional services is a must.

Contact Website Optimization to learn about the SEO and conversion rate services we offer for superior dental website marketing.

Website Optimization
Phone: (877) 748-3678
Fax: (734) 661-1331