Friday, November 7, 2014

Where to Place Keywords for On-Page SEO

Knowing the best places to put your search engine optimization (SEO) keywords is one of the most critical factors in website optimization. There are a number of ways to use keywords on your site to enhance website speed optimization but, for the purposes of this post, we will focus on just three of the best places to put your primary keywords.

Domain Names
The domain name is an excellent place to put a keyword, especially when you are targeting popular buyer keywords. For example, most consumers now search online for product and customer reviews on the products they want to buy. So, if you are selling a product as either the primary source or as an affiliate marketer of XYZ product, you should register a domain with buyer keywords like 

Many buyers will search for "XYZ reviews." As a result, you will quickly rank high in Google search results for queries from searchers who need comprehensive product reviews.

Folder Names
The domain name of your website, combined with the folder name and filename of the webpage, makes up the URL – uniform resource locator. This is the human readable address that enables your browser to retrieve a webpage from a web server. A well-structured URL can be picked up easily by other people and used in forums or other articles and blog posts to give your site quality backlinks for website optimization. 

Therefore, you should name your folders wisely by using the most important words in your best keyword phrase. If you provide reviews on digital cameras, for example, you can create a folder using the name of each camera you review. For a review on ABC Camera DX400, you can have:

Since your URL describes your webpages to search engines, you should always use appropriate folder names to achieve higher site ranks for your keywords.

Page Names or Titles
Always use your best or primary keyword once in your page name or title. The keyword should be placed as close to the beginning of the title tag as possible. The page title is one of the most important factors used by search engines to determine the relevance of your site to a searcher’s query. 

Since the bold-font title is very prominent, it influences a searcher’s desire to click on a particular page in the search results. So, you should ensure that the keyword appears early in the title. It can make visitors click on your website before others. If your primary keyword phrase is "the best acne treatment," for instance, users who searching for this are more likely to click on your website if it has a title such as “The Best Acne Treatment With 100% Natural Ingredients" than a title that reads “XYZ Product – Acne Treatment with All Natural Ingredients”. Since only about 70 characters of your page title will be shown on search results, you should make the best use of them.

These three areas are the best places to put your keywords for website optimization. Other good spots for keywords are the body of your content, image tags, and meta tags. The factors that determine the effectiveness of your keyword placement are constantly being updated by Google. So you should consult a website optimization firm for help with your SEO.

Let Website Optimization help you maximize your keywords. Contact us today.

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