Friday, February 28, 2014

Want a Fast-Loading Website? Get Graphics Optimization

Having a great looking website is a massive part of having a good online presence, but if it is poorly optimized and set up, it will have an adverse effect on the experience you are trying to give your customer base. There are many things that can be done to improve your website, and having website graphics optimization is one of the most important things to have.

Website graphics optimization encompasses several things. You need to have graphics on your site to create a great first impression, create a brand and recognition for your customers, and make the site engaging and nice to look at and use. But having these graphics on your site is only half the battle. These graphics must be optimized in order for them to display nicely, produce information for the search engines, and also be small enough in data size to enable your site to operate quickly and smoothly.

A well-optimized loads quickly and without pause. The three main tenants of website design are aesthetics, ergonomics and usability. It is this usability that we focus on here. If a site is slow to load, then the user will get fed up and click the back button in search of a site that works better for them. This not only means you lose a potential customer, but it gives your brand a bad name. Thus, your website graphics must be optimized for speed. This means that once created, they will be saved in such a way that the kilobyte size of them is as small as possible without giving up any visual quality.

Imagine if your site contained a lot of graphics and few had been optimized for the speed of the site. Imagine how quickly your user could get tired of waiting for the graphics to download so that they can see the information they require. If these graphics were smaller in size without losing their visual quality, then your user will be happy to continue using the site and ultimately use your services.

The second part of optimizing graphics comes through deciding what to name them. This is very important in your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. The name of each graphic should relate somehow to what your service or website is about in order to help the search engines understand what it is indexing. It also helps to identify what each graphic is in the event of future updates, or if another web designer takes over operation of your site.

For the mobile website, these functions are even more critical. It is imperative that a mobile website display the information with graphics as quickly as possible. Most people are still on 3G networks at best, and as such require the information to be sent quickly. This means the graphics displayed on the phone be as small as possible. Moreover, most people are on set data plans and cannot exceed their allotted amount of data each month. If they do, they will have extra fees to pay.

Website graphics optimization is essential for website speed optimization to enable the end user a smooth and positive experience that will ultimately help present a professional and good impression on behalf of your organization. Get the speed analysis you need todaycontact Website Optimization.

Website Optimization
Phone: (877) 748-3678
Fax: (734) 661-1331